Thursday, October 10, 2013

Diaspora Commands

Diaspora Commands
There are several commands that you can use in the game at some points. Here are those I learned of:
:g:: - Followed by a message. The message is relayed to your entire guild. Works only if your guild is non-standard. (IE not Trader, Militia, Rin, Klyn ect...)

unenlist:: - Followed by a char name. Kicks the char out of the guild. Remove privileges and higher rank are required. The to be removed player must be online.

CHARNAME:: - Followed by a message will send the message to the char, long distance. This means wherever he/she is, in the game, he/she will recieve the message. CHARNAME is the name displayed when you click on a ship. The char will have to have a chat screen to recieve the message. When he/she is landed on a planet but not in a bar the message will just vanish!
ignore-CHARNAME - Ignores all communications from this character. Guild, long distance and public chat are ignored. You must be in the same node/bar as the to be ignored player to do this. (Try this out on your own char name ;) )
unignore-CHARNAME - Cancels the ignore command.

And furthermore:

Private chat - Click on a ship, and various options pop up. Engage is discussed in the walktrough. Chat will try and establish a private chat message to the person. A dark yellow triangle appears above the ship. If the other ship accepts your request it will become bright yellow. You can then use the PRIVATE chatbox. You can have multiple chats at once. In that case, all typed in the PRIVATE screen is sent to all with a bright yellow triangle above them.
If someone asks you to have a private chat, a dark blue icon will appear above the ship. Click on the ship, then on "accept chat" to accept the request.

Trade - With these you can transfer money or goods to another ship. Click on a ship, click on Trade and decide what to Transfer (Give away). Works only if you have at least 30.000, own a ship, and if you have no loan at the guild bank.
Goods - Has two functions. The first, when you are in "Ship" mode, allows you to toss cargo overboard. The second, in "Sector" mode, allows you to salvage any goods floating in the sector. Which happens usually only when you destroy an asteroid, or a Trader...

In Bar:
Private Chat: Click on the name, then on Chat. The name turns dark yellow. When the other party clicks "Accept Chat" the name turns bright yellow.
Trade: Allows you to give the other party some of your cash. See above.
Guild - Allows guild commands if you have the priviledge. Guild must be registered for this.
Enlist : Offers someone to join your guild. He/she then chooses to accept or not.
Remove : Removes someone from your guild.
Promote : Raises someone in rank.
Demote : Lowers someone in rank.

At a Guild Planet (Gen Pelein or Velic Grindow), Guild Halls:
Guild Bank : If you are allowed to use the guild bank, and if the maximal loan is >1, you can deposit/withdraw money here. If you take a loan, you cannot transfer money to any player until you have payed the loan off. A loan has a 10% interest. Sadly enough, you're not getting interest for deposited money...
Guild Listing : View information about your own or other guilds.
Guild Registry : Here you can join an unregistered guild, or found a new guild for 1.500.000 DC.
Guild Editor : If you have the Edit Privilege in your guild, you may change guild settings here.

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