Friday, October 4, 2013

On-Line Diaspora Guide: Jargon

From: :

General game terms

PK, PKer, PKingPlayer kill, A person who deliberately sets out to kill other players
Anti-PkerA player who hunts PKers
PFPlanet Fighting (a practice that is frowned upon)
BotComputer controlled opponents (Klyn, Rin etc) also known as NPC (Non Player Characters)
Trade botA program used to trade in Gen. on an ALT char
Alt CharA character (other than the main one) used by a player
CADWhat unscrupulous Players do when in deep trouble (also known as the 3 finger salute)
FFFake fire, When you first click on engage to fire at an enemy, nothing appears to happen until you click your guns. However from everyone else's point of view you are firing. Since this does no damage it is called Fake Fire
AccAccept Chat, Quite often when people request chat you might not notice (particularly with ENDY BEHEs) thus they often say Name, Acc (as a wake-up call)
PCPrice change A very important aspect of Diaspora

Planet Names

GGGen Grayl
GIGen Irium
GPGen Pelin
GG1, 2 3Gen Gate 1 2 or 3
LMLauis Metis (the first planet in the neutral zone you are likely to visit)
JKJen Kayle
JCJen Cando
RBRenos Brin
Dy (or DN)Daynow
HSHy Syng

Guild names

PBPandora's Box
BNBlack Nova
I.T.A.Impact Training Association
ISIron Shield

Ship Names

EndyMothEndymion Behemoth
NeriMothNeried Behemoth
HeliMothHelios Behemoth
NackerNeried Attacker
NessieNeried Destroyer
Neri (or Ner)Neried
T2 or T1Talos 2 or Talos 1
N2 or N1Nisus 2 or Nisus 1

General chat codes

SOSShoot On Sight (if a player or guild has upset a powerful guild they may be deemed SOS)
BrBBe Right Back
LoLLots of Laughter (or Laugh out loud)
WBWelcome Back
LMAOLaughing My A$$ off
ROTFLRolling On The Floor Laughing
BBSBe Back soon
BBLBe Back Later
BBIABBe Back in a bit
OMWOn My Way
ATMAt The Moment
TYThank You (not to be confused with Tyros)
TBHTo Be Honest
IMOIn My Opinion
Sup?What's Up?
*action*anything in ** is considered an action

All goods are shortened to 2 letter codes except Gryn Stone (GS1) and Gen Synth (GS2)
these codes can be seen on the purchase screen


I hope this guide has helped you in some way, I plan on updating the information in it as the 
game progresses so check back here or at Diaspora news for updates!

Additional Note:- This document will always be a couple of days delayed over the update of the diaguide.txt

If anyone would like a copy of my ship table in Access (for easy searching) or Word (for easy printing) please e-mail me

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